Emily had been through so much until now she's standing in someone's house not knowing what she's doing. She didn't know how to behave.
It's definitely not Oliver's house anyway. It's because of something so simple that because Oliver simply can't be his house and at the same time he's so unconscious.
From that mysterious person who chose himself to come at that very bad time.
Emily had enough public life at the time. Now she doesn't want it. She just wants to be at peace. For her life was moving too fast. Bigger than the speed she thought. She now feels like she's missing her previous life in the palace. She wasn't doing anything at all. Not everything moves as fast as it does right now.
Emily feels like she's running nonstop.
It's annoying for her.
It was that sound coming from the outside that made her feel like there was some danger. She doesn't know who's out there. And you don't know what makes sounds.