It was Emily who just fell into a hole that fell into a snake hole, not a rabbit hole, as fairy tales say. Emily didn't know that this hole she fell into was a scavenger for a very big snake. It's a snake big enough to dig itself that tunnel in the ground. It was big enough for any human being to also eat before that human being even thought about fighting it. It was worse than anything anyone could imagine.
If only Emily was Lily. If only it was Lily who was here. Maybe she knew a lot about that forest. The villagers in that village kept their own heritage. That's your legacy. Their legacy was filled with these tales of the forest. It was filled with tales of people gone. The tales that were told to the children in Dark Leila to keep them from getting out of their house at night. You keep them from strolling out without knowing who their parents are.
Those were the tales that the old ladies of the village were intimidating young children with.