Leo felt a lot about Emily. The girl looked kind of miserable to him. It was not too dressed. But she was probably stressed. The kind of stress that makes a person so miserable.
Everyone in this life has been let down by the power of their resistance. That Emily at that moment was let down by the power of her resistance. The girl has been fighting for a long time. That time almost seemed short for the age of a human being just a few days. However, the experiences she was facing had a lot of impact. That effect that seems so much different from any other Emily's ever had.
She's here now.
She has to fight back.
Leo looked at the girl fighting again.
Her condition sucks her seemingly collapsed features and other signs of fracture. Shoulder forward. Heavy eyes. Slow motion. A body wiggle. Like those things that used to make a lot of sense. Emily's meaning knew a lot.