Chapter Six


"Wow" I think. "Where the heck was this woman earlier?"

Her ebony hair has managed to work its way out of her now loose bun and curly tendrils now fall prettily, framing her pale, oval face. I cannot help but to find her intriguing. Although she began as a task set forth for me by my father, I am beginning to see her as more than that. But I cannot grow too attached. I must do what is right for the kingdom.

"We should head north." I say breaking the silence. "Most towns and cities here are to the north of forests like these. The Chimera generally enjoy being away from the deserts and mountains to the east and west which means we are most likely in the southern quadrant of this realm.

"How do you even know that?" she asks, and if I am not mistaken with a small look of awe on her face.

"It is a prince's duty to know about the realm in which the kingdom he will someday rule resides." I say, my chest slightly puffed out from my pride in my knowledge.

"Oh." is all she says, deflating the pride I had felt.

Taking a deep, calming breath I jerk my head towards the north and say "Let's go."

As we continue to walk, the sky darkens further, almost ominously. Sylvie remains oddly quiet as if she too feels uneasy in the growing darkness.

"We should find somewhere to spend the night." I speak up, shattering the silence with my voice. "The forest's dangers only increase once the sun has gone down. I'd rather we were somewhere mildly defensible."

She nods her agreement and with that I quickly scale the nearest tree for a better vantage point. As I reach the top, I scan the surrounding area. In the distance, I see it, the perfect spot for the night, and it's not even that far of a walk. I scramble down the tree, glad that I have some good news to tell Sylvie.

"There are a series of caves, about five minutes walk from here. They will at least be safer than spending the night out in the open."

Looking behind me to make sure she is following me, I head off in the direction of the caves.


"I cannot believe this man!" I think watching him scale a tree. "Yet again I am here in a strange place, by myself. Humph. He could have at least warned me this time."

I wait semi-impatiently for him to climb back down, even going so far as to tap my foot lightly upon the ground. As I wait I constantly scan the area for any new threats.

"I won't be taken by surprise this time." I think with a slight shiver at the memory of the chimera.

When he returns and tells me about the caves, all I can think is that for a prince he sure seems to be used to roughing it, if a cave seems like a perfect place to spend a night. Without warning he begins to set off.

"Dick." I think. "Can't even wait for me or even gesture that it's time to go."

We walk for around five minutes, and soon a series of caves comes into view.

"I will go and collect some wood so we can start a fire." Xander says the first words either of us have spoken for a while. He shrugs the pack off his back and hands it to me. "You should be able to find some food and a blanket in there. I'll be back soon."

Without another word he turns and stalks off into the night. Sighing I head up to the entrance of the nearest cave. Looking around I don't notice any animal tracks and the dirt floor seems dry enough.

"This will do" I think, as I open the pack.

Rummaging around I quickly come across the blanket, soon after some protein bars and even a couple of water bottles. I lay the blanket down on the ground and take a seat.

"Huh. he must have found these before he took me"

I open a bar and begin to chew while I await Xander's return.