Chapter One

"Hello!" I shouted out.

But no sound came in response from the endless space I had been transported to, not even the echo of my voice. This is all very unnerving even for a former soldier like myself who had seen the worst the world could throw at me. All around me is just darkness stretching as far as the eye can see which isn't very far since I can barely see my hand when fully extended.

As I began to be lost in thought a loud thump and the sound of hundreds of pages flickering sounded from behind me. I whip around as fast as I can and notice a podium with a fine leather book sitting atop it. Walking towards it I flip through a few of the pages but all of them appear to be blank without the slightest sign of wear or tear. About halfway through the book the pages begin turning back to the first all by themselves.

I scratch my head and look at the page carefully trying to see what I missed originally. As my eyes begin to lose focus while concentrating on the page a few words appear to scrawl out on the page as if being written by someone. The book finishes writing and inside the book are a few simple words 'Would you answer my questions?' The penmanship is sloppy and unorganized.

"Sure?" I mumbled aloud since there was nothing to write with.

'How old are you?' it scribbles onto the page.

"24? Or at least I was 24 before being shot…" As I said that a number 5 appeared in the top right of the page.

'What's your name?'

"Jason Philips." This time the five was erased and replaced with a 10.

'When did you join the military?'

"Straight out of highschool, so 17?" 15.

'How long have you been in the military?'

"7 years." 20.

'What was your dog's name?'

"Snickers." 25.

I slowly began enjoying these questions even though I had no idea what they were for or who was even asking them. All I know is, it is taking my mind off the fact I am alone in a room covered in infinite darkness.

'How many people have you killed?'

"What?" 20 the number dropped by five.

"How am I supposed to-" 15 it dropped again.

"Okay 27!" 25 the number shot right back up with that answer.

I have no idea what these numbers are for but something in me is telling me they are important. The questions went back to normal with things like what's my mothers name, how old was I when I lost my first tooth, etc. I quickly turned the number from 25 to 165 before the questions changed dramatically. Of course all good things must come to an end and the questions changed again to the more serious topics.

After a nearly 2 or 3 hour long Q&A session the number had skyrocketed to 520 then the book suddenly snapped shut. It took a moment before the book opened once more this time with a different kind of question. The words have a slight glow to them illuminating a small amount of the space around me.

'If you could be reborn, which world would it be in?' The penmanship this time was far more eloquent as if written by a master in calligraphy.

"Could you elaborate?" I asked hoping this wouldn't lower the number.

'If you were reborn, which fictional world would you like it to be?'

I think before answering since there are countless worlds i would love to explore but only one of them could be the answer. It took me the better part of ten minutes to think of an answer but eventually I settled on Tales of Demons and Gods. That story in particular was enjoyable to read while deployed overseas even if the author takes a hundred years to write a chapter.

"Tales of Demons and Gods."

The book paused for a moment before it began to scrawl out its next question this time with an even more different style of writing.

'Who would you be reborn as?'


I almost blurted out myself but that would be boring isn't the point of being reborn to have a chance to be someone you're not. Out of all the characters in the story only a handful interested me and I would have to be an adult since it would be awkward to be in the body of a child.

"Lord Ye Mo."

'Sorry but that character's story is locked. Please try another.'

What is this a video game do i need to pay to unlock a characters story or is it strictly npc.

"Okay, the Demon Lord?"

'That character's story is also locked.'

"Li Xiao?"

'That character is-'

"Yeah yeah that character is locked I get it."

I name off a few more adults from the tiny world but all of them were locked for some strange reason. It looked like I would need to think long and hard on this since the book was being so stingy. Why did it even matter weren't all these questions, nonsensical and pointless? Only one name came to mind when thinking of a possible character even though he may or may not actually be an adult.

"Long Sha?"

'Character registered.'

"Finally!" I shout aloud.

As I celebrated I noticed in the corner of my eye the 520 at the top corner decreased to 400. I grab onto the edges of the book and look around the page as if the numbers had just up and walked around the book. I lost over 100 of the 520 I had painstakingly gained by answering questions for hours.

'Points subtracted.' The book wrote out.

I then put two and two together and slapped myself in the head for not realising it earlier. It was obvious now these were points I acquired by answering the questions truthfully. Maybe the questions they are asking now are more than just simple nonsense for both of our entertainment.

'You may now circle whatever you like, but keep in mind the amount of points you have.'

A large list of items, abilities, techniques, etc all appeared on the page completely covering it in writing. Each of the words written down had the number of points they would cost next to them. Since I chose Long Sha, items and Demon Spirits did not interest me since he could get anything he needed from the dark guild and already had a dragon bloodline demon spirit. I pondered for a moment and read all the rewards a total of three times each ingraining them in my memory.

Only a few of them peak my interest since Long Sha is in such a good position to receive most of the things he needs. One of the items that stood out the most to me is a guardian greatsword that only costs 100 points.

"What's the guardian greatsword?" as i asked that the book turned its page and wrote out a description for the item.

'The guardian greatsword is a relatively ordinary grade 1 artifact from the draconic ruins realm. But it has the unique ability to increase in strength the more you kill with it. As an example if you kill 50 bronze ranks with the sword it will become a grade 2 artifact if you kill 50 silvers it becomes a grade 3 artifact, so on and so forth.'

I scratch my head and think to myself, isn't that a little too broken even for tales of demons and gods where a 14 year old has more knowledge than literally everyone. Then I shrug and figure whatever it's not like it matters how strong my weaponry is, the sage emperor would easily destroy the sword so it's good until the end game. As I circle the greatsword 100 points get subtracted from my total.

The next item that interested me were the Blood Crystals which were 100 of them for only 1 point. I jumped at this lucrative deal and purchased 10,000 total crystals for only 100 points. The last one that piqued my interest was a cultivation technique that had never been said before in the comic or novel. For all I know it could be a simple technique that belongs in the bin or it could be an ultimate technique even Nie Li doesn't know about.

"What is the Dark Divines Technique?"

'The Dark Divines Technique is a dark and sinister technique only available to those who have undergone spiritual constellation. The technique is extremely overbearing and painful to practice but the results are rather good. Once practiced you will experience constant pain and suffering within your soul realm. If interrupted while practicing you may also experience dire consequences to your cultivation. You could reach the peak of cultivation but it will be a hard and painful journey.'

This whole description almost felt like it was screaming you are an idiot if you buy this but I figured it can't be worse than getting shot. I have a high pain tolerance anyways and plus Long Sha will experience a burning sensation every time his soul force expands. It was the perfect technique for me, so I circle the technique and 50 points are subtracted from my total.

Finally to spend the rest of my points I purchase an interspatial ring that integrates with my soul realm. So when I reach the heavenly fate realm I can keep all my items safe from being stolen if I'm killed. I anticipate a lot of death once I reach the draconic ruins realm since I will have no knowledge of it.

'Answers locked. Prepare for transmigration!'

I couldn't help but get giddy and overly excited after reading those words. Who doesn't want to live another life in some fantasy world? In the blink of an eye I am sitting in a room darkly lit and the smell of sulfur fills the air. I cough as I get used to the pungent smell and stand up dusting off my butt. The room I'm in resembles a library of sorts but the walls look as if the room was carved into a mountain. Looking around I notice the items I purchased with my points sitting in a corner. The cultivation technique was already ingrained inside my head so I didn't need to worry about learning it.

After strapping the sword on my back and putting the blood crystals in one of the interspatial rings I have on my hands I walk out of the room. A pair of gold ranked demon spiritualists greeted me and cupped their hands in a show of respect. I'm in the dark guild but the guild's interior was never shown so my interest peaked. Before I could go off and explore Gui Sha the third in command walked around a corner. He's in the attire that he wore during his attempt to save the sacred family.

In the novel by the time Nie Li met him Gui Sha was a 5 star black gold rank but mimicked a legend rank using items. At this moment he was at most a 2 star meaning this was a while before they went to save the sacred family. Thinking about it, I am also only a 2 star legend rank when I should be 3. I shake my head and ignore the timeline, things will be progressing differently than they should from now on.

"Long Sha, the Demon Lord has gone into secluded cultivation leaving you and I in charge of the dark guild."

"Understood, I have some business to take care of outside so I will be gone for a while, you will be in charge." I replied half heartedly because aside from looking around the guild I had no interest in being here.

This didn't seem to bother Gui Sha in the slightest; it seemed to be the normal thing for leaders to just go on sabbaticals for a while. For a group of ruthless assassins that slaughter an entire city they seem to be rather laid back with how they handle things. He waved his hand at me as if to say, okay see you in a few.