Chapter Six

Standing on top of the steps to the main house I am able to get a good look at everyone in the audience. 3 faces stood out to me as they were originally meant to join Nie Li but instead were here in my family. While I had no interest in having them join my group since their talents were just not good enough, they were nonetheless a welcome addition. Everyone appeared to be there aside from the patriarchs who were obviously busy managing their households.

"I would personally like to welcome the Wei, Zhu, and Zhang families to my humble estate." I said with a smile.

Many in the audience were skeptical of me which they were justified in doing since I was such a new face to them. Though skeptical, none of them dared utter a word of disagreement with their new patriarch. Giving the whole crowd a good look over I counted slightly more than 50 people gathered.

"Every one of you will be treated as if you are my true brothers and sisters. If anyone dares utter a word against you, bring the issue to me and I will deal with it forthwith." With these words a few people appeared to become less tense, some even gave a happy expression on their face.

"All of you may be considered members of my Divine Dragon Family and from now on go by the name Long you may still hold the pride of your former family in your hearts. I know it would be too much to ask of you all to forgo the family you were born into. So while not in public you may still refer to yourselves by your true family names."

Pausing for a moment to look at the crowd again I noticed more of them looking at me in a different light with only a few of them remaining skeptical.

"That is all I wish to say. Any questions?"

One of the bronze rank guards I saw earlier stepped forward wearing ragged and torn clothes. What impressed me is that he has holstered a bronze rank sword which must have cost his family a large chunk of money. Then I thought, I was gone for a week, they most likely purchased the most necessary things.

"What do you mean when you say you will treat us as your brothers and sister?"

A few of the others nodded in agreement with the question, it was odd for a patriarch to treat lowly branch family members as if they were his own.

"I simply mean if someone dares threaten you or question your worth I will stomp them into nonexistence. Though that does not give you the right to become arrogant and start acting like those cowards from the Sacred Family."

Some of the youngest in the audience laughed at this since they knew I had only been here a week and yet I knew exactly how the Sacred Family acted. Even some of the older generation smirked out of the corner of their mouths.

"Thank you patriarch." The guard said cupping his hands and backing into the crowd.

A child stepped forward with his hands cupped, he couldn't be older than 12 or so and had the look of childhood wonder on his face.

"Will you be able to send us all to the holy orchid institute?" As soon as the child asked this his mother ran forward and pulled him away.

"I am terribly sorry this child asked something which is out of line, please forgive him patriarch!" She pleaded with tears streaming down her face.

It was only rude on earth to ask others about things that involved money but in this world simply asking for something like a higher education could earn you a beating. I immediately walked down from the steps as people's eyes were locked on to me. Instead of beating her and the child like some expected I patted the child on the head and comforted his mother.

"It's alright. Of course those who are eligible will be sent and given a weekly allowance."

"On this topic every new student will be given a proper cultivation technique as well as resources. Those who can break through to bronze rank within the Holy Orchid Institutes test in 2 months will be rewarded with 15,000 demon spirit coins. As well as any of those who can break into the gold rank, you will be paid 100,000 demon spirit coins."

With this news many in the crowd became restless and began talking amongst themselves. While most of them believed there was no hope in becoming a gold rank, bronze rank was completely attainable given the right resources. Since no one else was stepping forward or asking questions I took this as my que to leave and dismissed everyone. I ordered one of the guards to bring everyone to me one at a time so I could test them and give them a cultivation technique.

After testing people for the rest of the day I managed to give them all proper techniques and I even gave the few who were silver rank a demon spirit. The vast majority of people had a red soul realm; only 7 had yellow or orange while only 1 strangely enough had green. But after giving them all their needed resources I was tired of dealing with people but was happy our strength would grow from here. Ye Yan had found a room close to my own in order to rest since his body should start aching by now.

I quickly fell asleep after the long day I had and the night turned to day in the blink of an eye since I felt as if I had just fallen asleep. Leaving my room I was greeted by a small number of guards and servants who looked just as tired as me. Sleepily I waved at them as I made myself ready for the day grabbing a quick bite to eat then rushing out of the house. The Liu brothers were outside with a group of guards training them how to fight properly. While the black gold ranks were keeping an ever vigilant eye on their surroundings.

One thing set off their alarms when a group of experts from gold rank to black gold rank began making their way to the mansion. We are close to the outskirts of the city so it's strange for a group to accidentally walk by. As it turned out they did not merely cross paths with the estate and instead were a group led by Shen Ming of the sacred family. One of my black gold experts jumps down from his tower and informs me of their approach.

Upon entering the courtyard the Sacred Family looked at my family with disdain as if they were above all of us. Even for me they could not give any sign of respect while looking at me. Shen Ming half heartedly bows as he introduces himself and his group thinking that I was a clueless nobody who had stumbled into town. While he clearly did not see me in high regard he still wasn't a fool not to try and befriend a legend rank.

"Long sha, the sacred family greets you." He said with a crooked smile.


"I-I'm sorry?" He stammers.

"You forgot to add patriarch to your greeting." I said bluntly.

"Of course patriarch Long Sha, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding."

"We of the sacred family would like to formally welcome you to Glory City and extend an offer of goodwill to you and your… family."

His eyes darted from me to the surrounding members of my family with half of them still wearing their old clothes. This look did not go unnoticed by most of the family as they looked on at the scene. Shen Ming snapped his fingers and two gold ranked experts stepped forward carrying a chest. As they placed it down one of them opened it to reveal a large quantity of demon spirit coins and many elixirs and herbs. It's unfortunate that Shen Ming is somewhat clever since he knows exactly what my family would need. I wouldn't be able to just flat out deny the gift since it would be beneficial to growing our strength.

"It's more than these scum deserve."

I overheard one of the gold ranks mumble to the other in a voice that was quiet enough to not be considered talking but loud enough to be heard. As soon as those words escaped his lips I was up like a bolt of lightning with my fingers gripped around his throat as he squirmed.

"You believe we are scum!?!" I loudly shout, gripping his neck tighter.

"I would n-"

Before he could finish I quickly punched him in the back with enough force to paralyze a normal man. Because he is a cultivator he appeared more or less fine but I used soul force in the punch and crippled him from the waist down. So as I let his neck go he crumbled to the floor like a wet noodle. The black gold experts with Shen Ming went to attack me but he stopped them with a wave of his hand.

"He reaped what he sowed. Pick him up and bring him back!" He snapped and a few experts carried him out of the courtyard.

"I am terribly sorry for any offence that youth may have caused." He said bowing and cupping his hands.

"Please accept this as a gift of recompense." he said, taking off an interspatial ring.

Inside is another few million in demon spirit coins, I was surprised he was being so giving with the money since he is supposed to have a spend limit. I shrug and figure he considers my friendship a useful enough tool to spend millions on.

"Know this Sacred Family. The Divine Dragon Family will not be bullied into submission like you have done to so many families before us. Strength can only get you so far in this world, what will you do when confronted by absolute power?"

At this point the sacred family experts were turning pale and realizing just how powerful I had become in a few short days. I bent down right to Shen Ming's ear and whispered ever so softly.

"I know the sacred family's true face and their darkest secret, I expect you to cut off ties with your little friend."

This made Shen Ming's blood run cold as he slightly stumbled backwards into one of his servants. Obviously he couldn't make that decision himself but would instead most likely interrupt Shen Hong's seclusion. With Shen Hong put on the board early Nie Li should be able to move around less freely since he would still make enemies with the sacred family. As well as if I could get the sacred family to cut ties with the dark guild sooner there was a chance I could redeem a select few of their members. Shen Xiu for one may seem like a raging bitch but she has at least shown herself to be honorable since she upheld her deal with Nie Li.

Their branch families also appear less like scumbags and instead only listen to the main family because they hold all the power. At the very least I would attempt to save their branch families from the chopping block and place them under my protection. Shen Ming realising he has overstayed his welcome slowly walks out of the courtyard and is followed by his experts. Each of them keeping their heads down and looking at the floor not wanting to make eye contact with anyone else. After they left a surge of laughter resonated off of the walls as everyone began laughing at the situation.

Never had they seen the Sacred Family so thoroughly humiliated and put in their place before. None of the noble or major families ever raised a finger against them unless it was with some harsh words but never more than that. Even Ye Mo ignored them for the most part since their strength was Glory Cities strength. The laughter soon died down as Ye Yan entered the courtyard rubbing his eyes sleepily and he looked around confused. What was there to be so happy about this early in the morning is what he must be thinking to himself.