I Wish To Hold Your Hand

And there we are, lying to each other as we speak. Even our eyes are lying, even our smile is fake. Everyone around us know that we like each other, even our partners know. They let us go, they let their love go for us.

But we never stepped forward, we never did anything to help ourselves. We never stepped forward, we just stood there in the darkness. While others were hopeful, we weren't. Time passed and we still look at each other like before.

What's the reason for not doing anything? What's the reason for not saying anything?

Is there even a single reason that we can say?

There's probably nothing that we can say, only "I love you.", and that's it.

There's few other words that are hard to say just like "I love you.", it's easier to say that we hate someone than to love someone isn't that ironic?

Can I hold you?

Is what I have thought about when I see you.

Can you hold my hand?

Can we be together?

Can you not look away?

What's wrong?

We did nothing wrong, we fell in love, but that love didn't happen yet.

I wish that you can tell me what is happening in your head.

I wish that you can tell me your thoughts instead of running away every time you see me.

Do I make you feel bad?

If that's the case I no longer want to be with you.

Do I make you insecure or anxious?

If that's the case I no longer want to be with you.

I really would appreciate if you talk to me.

I mean, I'm also trying to do better, trying to be better.

Changing myself into a better person, but I think that you stayed the same.

That's ironic isn't it?

I wonder if things were different than now, would we still be the same, would we act the same as we are acting now?

That's a question that will remain unanswered.

If you were wondering why did I change, I am changing myself for myself not for you so be at ease.

We did talk multiple times, we had multiple conversations that have went for hours and hours and we had amazing and wonderful time together.

But the only thing that I was wondering was; What are you afraid of? What is the thing that is frightening you so much? We didn't do anything wrong.

Could you tell me, please?

Will that be possible?

Can I receive a few words from you about your feelings.

Is love the thing that is that frightening?

Should I just let you go?

My head is telling me to let you go but my heart is still stopping every time I see you.

Is even possible to let you go?

I want you.

I need you.

I love you.

I like you.

You are the one that I'm waiting for.

I don't understand my own heart, nor I understand my brain.

Maybe the two of them already accepted reality, the reality of me waiting for you.

Maybe the reason that I have been waiting is because you have been waiting for me too?


If we were able to let go out past would everything been different than it is now?

I always wanted to see your smiling face waiting for me outside while the first snowfall turns everything into the north pole.

Wouldn't that be something that both us have been waiting for?

Fun dates, late at night, just the two of us.

Holding hands, telling stories and walking.

I wish to hold your hand.

I wish to see you.

I wish...