Yandere Mercenary

As Streak came more and more closer, she couldn't help but to pet him and just express how much Tun was too cute even commenting about it.

"I am not going to let go of you, you and I are going to be together forever and forever until the day that we will die." Tun then tried to get away from her but ...

"Where do you think you are going? You're mine now and that means that you stay with me as long as I like, understand?" Tun then ran away from her and said.

"I can't be with someone who only thinks about destroying my home." the look on Streaks eyes could tell the truth, "Wait does that mean there's more of you?"

Tun nodded and whatever he just did was enough for Streak to explode as she squealed so loudly that It was enough for the whole armadas ear drums to explode even more.

Streak then ran after Tun while he flew away and he thought to himself, "(Why is it that I'm still breathing because I hearf that you need something to provide oxygen.

To breath because space doesn't have it)" Streak was coming in hot and as Tun realised it, he flapped his wings as fast as he could.

"Come on Little Crow, I just want to pet you that's all." It was a living nightmare for Tun as he was being chased by an obsessive Crow Lover.

Ramvle then saved him the trouble and teleported her somewhere and this allowed Tun to breath and to understand what was wrong with Streak.

Ramble: Don't worry about her Tun, she wasn't meant to do harm to you, it's just that Mia has always loved crows because it reminded her about her mother.

Tun then thought about what he had said, "Wait you know her?" Ramble shook his head and said.

Ramble: I know her alright Tun and the reason that I know Mia Yamada is because I'm her father and she's basically the last thing I have of my wife.

When I was Exiled, after the incident with Katherine Killer, I arrived on Antroia before it ever was Antroia and there I blended in with the human world.

It was there I met her, she was different to Katherine Killer, she was kind and loving and didn't want to be with someone that just saw her as an item.

Although I was always playing around with her, he saw right through me and understood what I was but then came Mia when she was born.

I was ready to be a real father although she had the power teleporting to one place to another, me and her gave the love that she deserved.

But then X along with other Emperor's took my daughter along with my sister Anna's only son and then Katherine Killer came back.

I was finishing work but when I came home, I saw my wife being brutally stabbed, it was there that I found out that Mia was taken from me.

"So that's why you plan on getting revenge on Katy Kills? Not because of what happened in the past but what she did with your wife."

Ramble confirmed and just thinking about his deceased wife fell into depression, Tun then tapped on his shoulder and said, "Maybe it's time for her to know where her father is now."

Ramble: Maybe you're right but first we have to find the former Queen of Sparkle Land and help her with taking care of the machines.

And just hope that we can have her on our side and believe me when I say that we need to move right now.

The ship then prepared to set a course to Antroia and both Tun and Ramble could see that the dangers of them coming to Antroia would end in Disaster.

Hami and his troops took care of the machines while they had found the Queen, Ramble then teleported Tun to the armada ship.

Ramble: Tun you and Aiden are the only ones that can save Antroia and when you find Mia, tell her I'm sorry that I wasn't the best father.

The Armada along with Tun then dashed through space and had only one hour before they made it to Antroia. Tun found his way inside.

And went to look for Aiden but he instead found Ulf, Phin and Owen in one of the broken vents and signalled him to come quick.

"I can't believe you actually came kid, we had it okay right here." said Phin as he was saying that they were fine without him.

Owen then told Tun to changed into their Antroian form or they would catch them, In Antroian form, they are able to control their heat signatures away from prey.