Nartilia's Past

"You have been selected to marry Ramble by the orders of the Cosmosians." That day was exciting for me because I actually got to marry my childhood friend Ramble, me and him would usually go out and play along side Arc, she was always number one at everything but she never number one when it came to being Rambles, at that he always chose me as numbers one when it came to friends, but when we got older, we distanced with each other and would occasionally say hi but when that day was always something that made me hate the person that made him turn his back from me.

I saw him dating that news reporter Katherine Killer and I could smell a dirty liar and then soon after, Ramble was announced as a crooked ***** as she all told him that she sexually assaulted her and then after that, our marriage proposal was cancelled and Ramble was sentenced to exile from his home, his family and even me. I too decided to leave my home as of that Killer and I knew if I stook around then it meant I was going to face death, I got to meet him again.

But when he saw me, he knew that it was me but knew that he couldn't allow my cover to be blown since at the time I was always nervous and my human form would occasionally change so he defended me and would keep me out of sight, that was when he met Aoi who was a colleague of mine too and she saw the passion in Ramble like I did and .... she was back but went after Ramble but it seems that he learned from his past mistakes and ended up marrying Aoi, although I was upset ... he wanted to name my earth name after their daughter, it made me feel glad as if I was a god parent and it was incredible for the past six years but when Aoi died, it affected him badly and he shut himself away from everyone and since I couldn't be there for him, I decided to leave too.

That was when I met Bolt Stream as I was making my way home, he said that he was working as a freelance and saw me as a great opportunity to work with, so I accepted and I stayed by his side since then and as for doing that, I remember how the human race was being destroyed and both me and Bolt had to suffer watching it be destroyed as we both SD ourselves to machine armada and fortunately they choose me and Bolt to be in the Eighth Armada fleet in which Bolt was in charge and I was his general by his side for the rest of my life and I watched as we conquered planet after planet almost making us the best fleet out of all of them but that was when I found out about X Treme.

Even the whole of the fourteen fleets despised him for what he was and when we heard his announcement of his death, that was a happy day for us because we had one liability taken away into dust and it was better like that, and now I have a new mission in destroying Antroia alongside this one person that Bolt seem to know and it was this boy named Aiden Master's, although spending my years with him I forgotten how they were both inseparable and they would usually dothings together along with Mupet and Eagor but as Aiden went missing, I saw him being dispatched to the new earth and was about to report it until Bolt said, "Let it be." To this day I don't even know why he did this and all I wanted to do is bring that boy back and hopefully find the answers of why he even did what he did.

Now I'm here having to take care on observing Antroia and learning about its strange society but the thing was that what I have heard about this place was that it was meant to be full of Antropians and not humans and not even the faintest of technology but last I checked, there was everything and everyone who was both Antropians and to humans, I made sure I alerted this to my Emperor and all I received was to carry on observing and inform him on anything that may be considered important. I took my job seriously but what made it hard was Azhar and I've just got news about Wrentch's death, good riddance, he was always reckless and always left the cleaning to us but when I heard who the killer was, it left shivers in my spine to who it was. "End."