End's Story (Part 2/3)

Which I find strange since I'm still like 14 years old right now and It has been a mystery on why I age like this, I guess it was good luck but it couldn't have been until I found out .... that someone knew I was going to be born before I ever was born and this man, he looked to be human but wore like a black trenchcoat but wore it like he was a detective, I could remember seeing that his eyes were both yellow and he had dark medium short hair that seem to always go messy and for his body, he looked to be a bit plump and how he spoke was like something that I haven't even heard before in my life but it sounded evil to me. And for the timeline that I was talking in was 500 years after I had escaped the armada ship in which I found out at that time was that there were more than fourteen ships left and I couldn't believe that I might need to escape from 14 armada fleets and even worse, thinking about it was giving me a headache.

Not knowing where I was looking, I accidentally crashed my capsule and it kind of took me months to fully repair it, at that I decided to just go to somewhere that I can escape conflict but no luck so I couldn't really find anywhere that I can rest and was feeling like giving up on even finding my family. I then drifted off just to wake up beside a stranger who matched the appearance that I mentioned earlier.

Hello there fellow Traveller, my name's Ramble and I'll be your ally for the years, anything I can do fo you my friend? "What is this place?" Oh well this was something that I call my limbo since I'm an exile but hey it's not all that bad because I have this guy who I will not show his face ... just because I find it rude to allow a customer and another customer to be making such outrageous behaviour but ignoring that, hey listen I parked your ship over there and was hoping that someone like you and I could talk while my friend there is sleeping .... he has paid to sleep here and if you need help finding somewhere to sleep, I can always take you to a different dimension which I can allow you only 14 days to stay until you must return.

And to be honest, I spent my whole 14 days in another dimension and it was actually quite boring really because it's not the same without someone by your side and that's how I kind of feel about that and maybe it's better if I just went back to where I came from and just look for my brother and sister, hopefully they'll be alive ... surely or that's what I thought, and now another 500 years later, I still haven't made progress but ... I have heard news of a boy that came out of a red capsule and had defeated one of the Armada fleet, it was kind of incredible when I actually got to know that the planet was Antroia and it was known for no technology and incredibly defeated an armada, that's interesting but that was when I was called by Bolt Stream who I found out was my big brothers old mentor and as I tried to get information, I haven't been able to get anything from him and it has been like this for the next 5 months and makes me wonder if his information was ever real.

But that was when that idiot decided to call me and said that he had found Aiden Masters who I would soon find out was my biological brother, I didn't know this until I made my destination to Antroia and had made an intense scan around the population and found them both which made me wonder on why Aiden never came for me when he saw me but then I remembered, he said that I would meet him again and he wouldn't know about our interactions which made me think if he had came from the future.

Ramble: Looks like someone's enjoying this.

End's: RAMBLE!!! GET OUT!!!

Ramble: Aww come on I want to talk to the audience.

End: I wonder why you want to do something like this even after your show was cancelled.

Ramble: Hey man ... that's well out of order.

End: Can I please finish this? I promise that I'll apologize if you do.

Ramble: Fine but I suggest you tell the audience everything in the next chapter and now people Toodles.

End: At least he's gone .... wait I have to wait until the next chapter? Man seriously?