Hallowed Library

End looked around and he saw that most of these achievements occured currently to this day and was strange on how remained to have been cleaned even after End went to ask about it to the librarian which only caused the question of why it occured if there wasn't anyone to do it and judging by the librarians current state, she seemed to have too much in her hands as End saw that her hands were exhausted from everything she had done, it was like there was no way that she could earn the freedom she deserved and went to find answers elsewhere in which he found something that seemed to be glowing and as he went close to it, it began to speak, like another riddle but ... "DON'T Step one foot near there my boy ... this book is a prized possession of mine and mustn't be touched by the hands a human." End then remembered something that felt out of the ordinary as he had something that Markus allegedly muttered behind his back, "Unlike you my friend, this Era doesn't exist to them." End then went closer and ignoring her plead to stop when he asked.

"I never said I was a human, How'd you know I was human when this Era doesn't have any of them?" She then burst into laughter and said, "Looks like you're worthy after all ... my apologies for my rudeness earlier but .. I was instructed to hide this second clue to the Phantom Chronicles and wait for the worthy one to find it and .. he seem to be young ... I honestly was expecting an older man but .. you'll do." As she opened the book, she ripped a page out and scrunched it up into a ball then opened it again and handed it over to End, "To there you have found the Second Clue but do not threat in case you feel the Blue, What I am is a Bearer of Light and what you'll find may be quite a Sight, you'll seek a Globe that may not as be true as a Robe." As End finished reading the Second Riddle, the glow then errupted and scattered around the library and changed it from dark and gloomy to bright and positive, Margaret was Astonished with what it had done and when the doors opened, it was people and they too were astonished with what they had seen and End could see that his job might've been done and crept to not be seen until he saw Margaret again.

"I just want to say thank you for everything that you've done my friend, and all I can offer is this." She then handed him a book that talked about Lighthouses and as she walked back to the library with a smile on his face, End could only but too smile with what he had done and as he came across Markus, "Good job on fixing the library my friend, I honestly wouldn't have done it better than you did it and to that I congratulate you to that, I see you have the second Riddle in your hand, for that one I would suggest you may need help elsewhere other than a Chronian like me and if you'll excuse me ... I have ...." as he was about to finish what he was saying, he was attacked by X Treme and as he saw End he shouted, "Give it to me!!!! Give me the Second Riddle!!! That Moron Azhar had exposed our Riddle!!! I should've never allowed that fleabag to .... DAMMIIIIIIIITTTTT!!!!" End with Markus on his shoulders then fled as to try and escape from X, as they were far away from them .. Markus could only thank him and could only accompany him with what End was looking for, "Thanks for the offer Markus but ... I have to do this alone." Markus then replied, "I didn't offer to help you ... I am only accompanying you to where you may be going next ... I know you won't like it .. but you don't have a choice as I won't leave until my debt is paid."

End didn't want him to but he had no choice, Markus was with him like glue and he couldn't shake him off, no matter where he was, End tried to figure out the Riddle he was given and that was when he saw a Light House, he could see how it painted Baby Blue and how its like felt like it was extremely powerful that could've made it a Bearer and as End thought about it, the more he thought that ... "Thats it ... it's the lighthouse I needed to go to, specifically this one, come on Markus, we've a Lighthouse to go to." They then went to the Lighthouse unaware of the dangers occuring.