Performance Evaluation

Well Hello there my fellow viewers, Ramble here and today I'm using this chapter to give some of the characters here their Performance Evaluation and this was something that I've should've done earlier but never considered it so without further ado, let's do but just to let you know that these characters were a hurry, hurry, hurry so they may be considered very dumb.

Eagor: I was an hour late, you couldn't have said that before I showed up.

Ramble: I could've hahahahaha

Performance Evaluation:

Ramble: So how you rate your performance since the debut?

X: I would rate it PG 13 for that scene where I get face sliced in two .. you know feces.

Ramble: What's feces?

Ramble: So how do you think you did this year Aiden?

Aiden: Don't really know but all I can consider is the fact that I had saved the world.

Ramble: From a mess that your mother created.

Aiden: HEY! it doesn't count if you don't know about it.

Mupet: (Spits) The Loud was that? Man if this had to be Perrier.

Ramble: It's just Water.

Mupet: How you pronounced it makes it sound weird, it's water.

Ramble: Well the fact is that I'm speaking British to you is because I kind of prefer saying Water like that.

Mupet: Oh don't bother boy it's British either way.

Ramble: Really?

Ramble: Would you consider yourself to be powerful.

Brix: You tell me.

Ramble: Not really.

Brix: Oh screw you.

Ramble: Screw you.

Brix: NO screw you I could kick a football onto that goal you call eyes!

Ramble: Well my friend you should consider having a Tic Tac.

Brix: ...

Eagor: I hate being in this part of life.

Ramble: Well I'm sorry to hear that but why do you say that?

Eagor: You write me off as the clingy jerk who just wants the attention but in reality ... I don't need jack.

Ramble: That's good.

Eagor: Did you not listen to what I just said?

Ramble: To me.

Ramble: So Tara how's it been since X had been killed.

X: You know I'm right here!!

Ramble: Security take him away!

X: Wait what are you planning on doing with that blade and ... wait you're not ... AGH!!!

Tara: Good riddance I'd say.

Ramble: Yep.

Ramble: How is it with ... Tun sweetie?

Streak: I just wish you would be more accepting about me liking Tun.

Ramble: I ... am ... my little muffin.

Streak: DAD!!!

Ramble: What?

Streak: Stop making me think that I'm 7, I'm not 7 anymore.

Aoi: You should be more ....


Streak: Thanks mom.

Aoi winks at her and disappears.

Ramble: What happened? ... And where is your mother?

Streak: oh ... um ... she's making .... dinner for you?

Ramble: Oh I always did love her cook....

Ramble: Do you have what it takes to do what your job requires?

Eagor: I don't have a girlfriend.

Ramble: Well that isn't a requirement.

Ramble: Do you consider yourself to be a good cousin?

Kawzy: You kidding me? 67% of the Masters are only left.

Ramble: And the 33% ....

Kawzy: Are dead.

Ramble: Never knew you would got that far.

Kawzy: Well I'm a racer and I have to get back at the track so just shut up and do your job!

Ramble: How does it feel to be retired?

AD: What is that?

Ramble: I said how does it feel to be retired?

AD: What you saying?

Ramble: I said ... oh can you believe this guy? He's only 16 and he's meant to be having advanced hearing.

Producer: But when he died .. it blew his eardrums out.

Ramble: Wait did I write that?

Producer: No you told me to say it.

Ramble: I'm going back to the UK to get some tea from there while I'm going back to Canada to get myself some pancakes and Maple Syrup.

Ramble: Who are you?

???: I was one of the original mercenaries until you had chosen Eagor to replace me.

Ramble: Wait I did that?

Producer: Yes.

Ramble: What in the world is wrong with my mind?

??: Well we're not the one sitting alone.

Ramble: Talking to myself, what on Earth?