Training Day

"Wait why me? I mean I am not that great as a fighter but a vigilante? That's going to take a lot of hard work and I tend to find peace for my owns sake and..." Axel then stopped him and told him that they can start training but not like the whole fighting thing but instead, they both had to write an episode. "Wait an episode? Why do I need to write an episode for?" Axel then hit him in the head and said, "No questions! now... allow me to try.

Lt. Severide is reminded of his past by a man he saves from a car accident and feels compelled to help him. Elsewhere, Lt. Casey and Chief Boden grapple with how to dock Jones per her father's orders. Meanwhile, Mouch and Dawson have troubles with the opposite sex and an emotional call to duty creates ripples throughout Firehouse 51.

Okay, now you try."

Aiden didn't know what to be thinking about on an episode but he thought about and tried his best and he had this to say, "Stakes are high when a massive car pile-up on the freeway impacts someone dear to the firehouse family. Brett and Foster encounter a harrowing call while Kidd and Severide find their relationship being tested. Meanwhile, Foster faces blowback after pointing out a doctor's oversight. Brett helps Casey look for a new apartment. Kidd prepares Tuesday the Dalmatian for the Fire Safety Dog Competition. A serious accusation is levelled against Severide.

Okay, how was that?"

Aiden could see the shock in Axel's eyes and wonder if he liked it or not. "Well, my boy, I think you're ready." Aiden then asked what he was ready for, "For what lies in here." Axel pointed Aiden to a door that showed the same symbol that he had seen since he saw the green flash, "Look familiar? This was the symbol that was used back when the first Master was born but it was also the symbol of what the assassins had used to communicate and with anyone seeing it meant that they could've been able to seek the mysteries of what lied ahead but you know me. I can't use it because my days of the assassination are over and it won't allow me anymore and I've died to understand what may have changed in that door." Aiden then came close to it when he heard honking coming out of the house as well as the police and they barged in and arrested the old man saying, "You're under arrest for the kidnapping of Aiden Masters." Aiden then saw his family and he asked what they were doing and Tara replied, "We saw you go inside this creepy house and called the cops... you're welcome." Aiden tried to tell them that he wasn't kidnapping him but he wanted to ask something but it was no use as the police took him away but not before Axel shouted to Aiden to open the door when the time is right.

After that, Aiden didn't bother talking to his family but only Amy and Anna, "Oh come one, you still can not be mad at us for what we did was right?" Amy and Anna then chucked their food at Tara which infuriated her and was about to throw it back to them but then Aiden somehow made her arm hurt and how she explained it like it was as a shockwave and it felt like it hurt, "How about you just go to bed, early son? We can talk about it another time." Aiden did what his father told him and left behind came Amy and Anna who looked at them with displeased expressions, "Something is going on and I demand that I can go and find out about it!!" Jack then told End to be quiet as Tina was about to cry, "Oh sorry little sis but I just can't help it! There's something that Aidens hiding from us and I'm going to find out." Hiromi then told him that he won't do such a thing, "Aiden had a rough day thanks to you and Tara, the best you can do is give him some space and ...." a glass shatter could be heard In Aidens room and they all went to see It, just to find out that Aiden had escaped while Amy and Anna we're sleeping unconsciously.

Aiden then ran back to Axel's home and wanted to know what that door had unfolded but he found himself at a choice when he saw that a group of delinquents were harassing a girl and it was the same girl that Aiden had met earlier, he had to choose to either save the girl or go and see what was behind the door. "GOD DAMMIT!!"