The Friend

"How it all happened" a bit nervous Jason asked.

Ryu shook his head and said

"it's not he best time to talk about this, lets talk about it later"

Jason was really curious about how a guy as scary as him is soft inside and turned him into a best. He understood it's not a good time for this stuff. As soon as he finished collecting his thoughts his stomach grumbled loudly making him embarrassed.

Ryu looked at him and laughed and open his mouth

"pffftttt...... you hungry? wanna grab something?"

Jason nodded and told Ryu about a good place.

When they arrived there it was all full. As they were about to leave on of customers were some delinquents who challenged Ryu in past. When the noticed Ryu tensed they leaved the place immidietly.

"Looks like there lots of good part about being a delinquent" Jason said and laughed about it.

Ryu released sigh and told him to say whatever he wants. As soon as they ordered they started talking about lots of stuff regarding school, Japan , Games , movies , anime they both liked and etc.

After they ate their food they were about to go to their home on their home RYu stopped Jason and told him that

"If you ever are in trouble or want someones help don't hesitate for a sec , come to me I will help you"

Jason smiled and nodded in agreement. Why wouldn't they after all that's what friends are for.

The next morning something felt different from before for Ryu like a gap in his heart was filled

[what is this feeling? why do i feel so eased and relaxed? i have never felt something like this? is something wrong with me? am i sick?]

Then only Ryu realized up until now no one has ever called him friend. Most of the kids are i scared of him or either hated him. Some of them even considered him as their money bank. Although he would beat the crap out them when he would find out that he was being used. He was irritated and angry because he was lonely. But now its different he has friend.

"what's up Ryu?you not feeling good? something happened? lets eat lunch together and if you are free after school then lets hit the arcade together too "

Ryu smiled,

"don't worry about me. yeah that's sounds nice to me"

from that day onward no one dared to bully or trouble the otaku Jason. Cuz he was the buddy of The Ultimate Delinquent