Perfect Rewards

The source of the luminous radiance emitted from a tall, crystal pedestal made up of exotic divine materials. 

Cain, Kali, and Amber tossed their eyes all over the pedestal, trying to figure its own origins.

But they all came up empty-handed. Nothing in their experiences matches up with these divine materials. 

Taking even one of these divine materials could possibly grant them a fortune!

It was a passing thought but something they took note of. 

On top of the crystal, pedestal was a shiny jade scroll. And behind the jade scroll, carved into the wall, were big, powerful words.

These words didn't seem like they were crafted by some mere mortal. But a divine being passing down their touchings. 

Cain, Kali, and Amber had a touch of reverence as they read the words.

It said, 'Sage Sword Arts: Seven Strikes Of Ten Thousand Swords.' 

Just the title alone was domineering.