The Crypt Grave

Under Cain's lead, the trio swiftly trailed directly towards the Crypt Graves. 

The farther they traveled down, the more Vicious Beast they finally encountered.

Cain and Kali would've been elated about this. They needed some fighting release after being coup in the City for a bit. Unfortunately for them, these Vicious Beast only ranged from Nascent Formations to Early or Mid Stage Profound Soul prowess.

None of which that can even make either sibling break a sweat. With just a wave of their hands, all Vicious Beasts fell down like common cabbages. 

And while Cain didn't satisfy his battle-hunger, he did feel a bit queer mowing down countless Vicious Beasts.

Enormous, ferocious-looking creatures are nothing but simple bugs to him. Fearsome creatures that could tear entire Families or Clans apart.