Attempting Ploy

One moment passed, another moment passed until three moments fully passed. 

And yet, nothing happened! 

As if it was always supposed to go this way, Cain simply pulled the Earthen Lightning Spirit towards him.

Letting it float above his palm, Cain smirked. Within these small moments, he undoubtedly perceived wild, berserk energy attempting to break free from his control.

This berserk energy was utterly destructive, wanting to rip Cain to absolutely shred for even trying to control it! 

The power within this berserk energy was incredible. Perhaps even a Peak Stage Profound Soul expert would get suddenly struck down from it.

However, under just a trail of Chaos Energy, that berserk power was completely suppressed! 

Instantly, the Earthen Lightning Spirit's berserk energy dispersed, allowing Cain to calmly take as if there wasn't any problem.

"Really, good stuff."