Martial Nature

Kali's arrogant tone and disdainful words practically infused into the wind. It wildly spread out in the atmosphere, gushing out to the entirety of the Liang Tribe. 

For sure, within a few miles, the Liang Tribe members heard some damaging news.

But neither Amber, Kali, or Cain cared who heard them. Nor did they care about that total destruction that they caused upon this tribe. 

In their Martial Hearts, each of them knew they weren't righteous at all.

Amber was indifferent to all horrifying matters relating to death, wars, and fight. As long it doesn't affect her, she couldn't give an inch to care. This was indifference that engraved into her ever since her childhood to now.

Kali has had the ruthless determination of a Martial cultivator since her childhood. The struggle of the royal palace forced her to rapidly mature.