Mortal To Divine Path

"Not-not in any way inferior?! This...Supreme Ancestor just has to be right. But still, this such a massive claim!" 

The Huang Dragons all intently watched Cain's group now. 

Through the words of Shi Wei, they had no choice but to believe her. But, it was also challenging to believe at the same time. 

It must be known that each royal descendent are outstanding talents that haven't appeared for over hundreds of years! Their potential truly isn't anything to scoff at. 

For instance, in the far future, they have the possibility of raising their Imperial family to extreme heights, far surpassing the Ancient Phoenix Holy Lands or any other Holy Lands for that matter.

At this moment, the expectations for Cain's group dramatically shot up. Moral and hope rose for these Huang Dragons. 

Could this possibly be a rise of their family? 

Nobody can say for sure, but they all were damn excited to find out!