Miasma Mist


The whole mountain started to violently tremble, the black miasma mist frantically surged, shooting higher into the skies. 

Before the seven disciples or Elder Tian could react, the black miasma mist shot over them too, covering them in an ominous black dome.

Instantly, the Moon Ocean Palace's cultivators were isolated from the outside world. 

Within the black mist dome, Elder Tian tried to move, tried to do anything at all.

But even with his Divine Star cultivation, he was far too slow. 


The seven disciples' horrid, frantic shrieks tore into the space. The pain they were experiencing was utter hell, surpassing anything, even the Heavenly Tribulations they brutally experienced!

The black miasma mist easily penetrated into their bodies, causing tortuous experiences within them. 
