Small Reunion

Cain's eyes snapped open, his pupils briefly flashing with sparkles of vague Lightning. 

Looking down at his palm, clenching them over and again, feeling his joints crackled with power, Cain was enthralled. 

The sensation of Innate Lord Realm and Sky Ruler Realm really was unforgettable. It was nearly an addicting sensation. 

But Cain's initial excitement considerably calmed down.

He started to inwardly analyze, 'In the Heaven and Earth Path and the Source Law Path, I most likely reached what grandmother said was the Adept attainment level. Although, this is just a rough estimate. I need a clear source to tell.'

More than his base cultivation, Cain was far more eager to improve his attainment levels. At least in this path, he has a chance to catch up to his Dragon siblings very soon.

Switching his mind from his cultivation, Cain then decided to stimulate his Spiritual Sea.