
In an instant, Heavenly energy was transported by Space Dao Marks, causing the entirety of the Nightmare Realm to become engulfed. 

At numerous random separate spaces, Heavenly energy broke in like a fluttering dam.

The young geniuses within them were utterly caught off guard. 

"Ahh?! What is this energy?!" 

"Damnit! I can't resist!" 

"Am I really going to fail here? No! I must hold on!"

These geniuses desperately wanted to resist, gathering the most extreme amount of World Source Law essence and, in turn, using all of their Soul reserves capacity. 

But no matter how much they struggle, none could resist for even a split moment.

Their wild hopes and dreams were getting forcefully taken away. Even worse, they could only watch it happen. 

At one separated space, Qiu Lan was one of the few who managed to retain some semblance of bearing.