Good Sportsmanship

Countless thoughts ran through Lu Lin's mind within a single moment. Her Spiritual Sea overworked itself, attempting to piece together any solution for the inevitable upcoming scene.

But nothing reasonable came to her mind.

And when she saw Cain give a slight smirk, Lu Lin's pupils dilated. Fear took over her. 

This wasn't another genius she was facing. But rather a total monster of Martial cultivation!

Lu Lin didn't care at all; she revolved every single ounce of her strength in her Inner World to the point it ferociously shook! 

"Ahh!! Light of Sword!!" 

Lu Lin raised her own Master Grade True Spirit Sword high as her Light aura rapidly intensified.

Streams of Light Law essence and Sword energy covered her True Spirit Sword until it formulated into a Radiant Sword aura! 

This was Lu Lin's absolute zenith state.