Meeting Of Dragons

By now, Cain's seemingly impossible might imprinted deep within the Phoenix trio's souls. Their will to courageously fight had greatly diminished.

However, despite their misgivings, Liao Wu calmly nodded, saying, "We'll try to provide as much help as we can." 

Liao Wu and the Huo siblings also knew these sudden disciples were their best chance of escaping in any case. Might as well put all of their eggs into one basket. 

But right as the trio was about to take their pills, two monstrously powerful Divine auras washed over the whole area. 

The Zhun siblings froze, the Phoenix trio's expression turned grave and even Cain felt a shiver course through his body. 

These weren't any standard human auras. Rather, they both exuded a beastly yet noble sensation. 

It was incredibly similar to what Cain exudes with his aura. 

Indeed, these were the Divine auras of true Dragons!