
At this time, Cain had grabbed Kali's waist, turned around, and flew out in a specific direction. He charged right towards an ordinary spot on the ground.

This was all, of course, calculated before he even threw the Spirit Artifact. 

During the previous intense duration, Cain kept his Chaos Enhanced Sense spread out for even the slightest oddity to escape this situation. 

And without having to search far, Cain detected Spirit energy! 

This Spirit energy also had an essence very familiar to Space Law essence filling it. 

Cain decided to bank it all, believing it should be some kind of portal.

While being tightly held by Cain, Kali didn't dare to complain. Her eyes even lit up when her Spirit Sense also detected a strange anomaly. 

At the same time, Cain took off with Kali, his voice once again transmitted to everyone else minds. 

'Follow me!'