Atlas Realm

When seeing Amber, Cain didn't hesitate, putting a healing pill inside her body with his Qi energy and carefully revolving it through her body. 

Moments later, Amber gained a rosy complexion as her eyes slowly fluttered open. Her first sight was that of Cain's handsome face, looking slightly concerned. 

"Ca-Cain...?" Amber slowly sat up with Cain's support. Her eyes groggily looked around at their current scenery and her confusion only increased.

"Wh-what happened? Just where are we?" 

"That's a good question I want to know myself," Cain said, while he took a second look over the scenery. "I can't say for sure, but I have an inkling that we aren't in our realm anymore. The richness of Divine Essence here is at least hundreds of times thicker than back at home."

The richer Divine Essence nearly startled the couple. It felt as if their bodies were faintly weighed down by an invisible pressure.