Sneaky Beast

'Divine Star experts!' The duo narrowed their eyes. They know it wasn't for them since they correctly covered their tracks. 

But being careful, Cain extended his Chaos enhanced sense to listen in on their conversation. 

He heard an older voice say, "Is it finally ready, young master Li?" 

A young voice promptly replied, "Mn. It was a bit confusing to get this thing to accurately work. But finally, I pinpointed the soul relic location! Let's get going before anyone else gets lucky." 

And with that, Cain sensed the group quickly get up and fly out. Thankfully, they didn't fly at their peak speeds in order for that young master to give out his specific directions. 

When hearing it was about that soul relic again, Cain didn't have to think twice. 

He cast Chaotic Concealment on himself and Amber, broke out of his man-made entrance, grabbed Amber's hand, and sneakily trailed behind this three-man group.