Dead Men Walking

Upon facing these two, neither Zhou Ling nor Zhou Pei dared to be disrespectful. They bowed with genuine respect. 

Zhou Ling was the one to first say, "Du Hu. Peng Fu. It really is a pleasure to make your acquaintance once again. We won't forget this kindness for helping." 

Du Hu, the beautiful woman, cracked a near sneering smile. "Kindness, huh? If you really want to count it that way, then it's not wrong. Lord Wen Shao does want legitimate relations. But truly, don't think this is such a huge deal. Lord Wen Shao was made aware of these two for quite some time. Of course, Lord Wen Shao can't just directly barge in here and kill them. However, there are always other means than fighting."

"Indeed, there is." Zhou Pei spoke up. "Everything has been set up just like Lord Wen Shao requested. All that is left is to wait for the Tian Heavenly squadron."