Three Finally Fell

'Damnit! Damnit! What shit luck!' Zi Yan couldn't help but lament his fate. 

At this point, he still didn't even see what powerful freak was unleashing this unrelenting assault. All he had was the assurance that this was a Divine Origin cultivator and most likely that freakish genius 'Lee.'

Lack of knowing who was even suppressing him so ruthlessly only made the feeling of looming death that more suffocating. As a Divine Star genius, he was completely unwilling to simply be put down like a dead dog!

An insane glint suddenly crossed Zi Yan's eyes. In an instant, Zi Yan fiercely stabbed his Quasi-Saint sword deep into the ground. Even with his weakened prowess, the ground still imploded beneath this booming force, destroying everything around Zi Yan.

But no matter the destruction, the Quasi-Saint sword had stayed completely embedded into the ground.