Without Remorse, Merciless

A freezing cold sensation overtook Du Hu's entire being. Her mind, fraught with horror, couldn't believe anything that had just transpired. 

Just how...just how did he dodge so quickly?! 

Just how...just how did he break my talisman?!? 

Du Hu knows with 100% certain that her Ice Destruction skill is supposed to freeze the space around her foe and penetrate their Spiritual Sea with an incomparable frost atmosphere.

The freezing of the surrounding Space Laws should've disabled her foe movement no matter what. No matter the Laws they could exude from their Inner World, the frost from her Ice Destruction skill should've completely frozen it over.

Moreover, the person locked on by Ice Destruction wouldn't have the mental capacity to summon soul energy and stimulate their Inner World. Their Spiritual Sea would be all but useless, either severely slowed down or frozen over by Ice Law's frost energy.