Cloudsea's World Spirit Masters

For all intents and purposes, the duo should be delighted to receive a Heavenly Grade Spirit Scroll. 

This would be the clear shot at the Royal Class level. Not just that, Cain's Spirit energy Laws could monstrously improve to a rate where he and Amber can make an even more terrifying duo.

But Cain's eyes were cold as ice as he stared at the scroll. His hands clenched down as he slowly and carefully flowed Chaos energy into the scroll. 

As he did so, a brief memory of their previous conversation flashed in his mind. 

The room that Senior Master Juo chose for their meeting was pleasant. It had a nice sensation about it. One that felt similar to relaxing in a spring pool. There were also cool refreshments and sides just in case they had ever so desired. 

In this kind of environment, it wouldn't be strange if one let their guard down just slightly.