The Day Of The Competition

Zi Yan's tone also took on a noticeable reverence as he said, 'Your guess shouldn't be false, master. Of course, we can't ever know the personal affairs of the Supreme Elders. But there is a strong rumor that goes around, one that no Supreme Elder dares to suppress. That is, Elder Xi instantly defeated Supreme Elder Gao in one move while they were in the same minor boundary. Furthermore, Elder Xi was at the beginning of her minor boundary while Elder Gao was actually at the peak! No Supreme Elders would speak out to confirm its truth. But at the same time, no Supreme Elder will deny the results of the event. Master's best bet to have an unbreakable position, to where even the other direct disciple will be a bit wary around you, is through Elder Xi.' 

'I see...' Cain was becoming more eager by the second. A person like Elder Xi would be the best kind of ally to have.