
Yulong swept her Divine Sense over with an increasingly surprised expression. Just from one sweep of the duo's energy, she felt far lighter than before! 

The invisible weight she came used to had vanished entirely. Her Spiritual Sea also felt dozens of times clearer than before. 

With a bow of gratitude, Yulong graciously said, "You have my thanks, Cain, Amber! Like you said, who knows what kind of unexpected thing may have just blown up from my bloodstream?" 

The duo casually waved her off. Cain said, "We're all trying to get home and find our partners, right? It's only natural that we help." 

"Since that's the case, then let me give you direct help!" Yulong eagerly raised her head. 

Her palm opened as boundless energy surged from her bloodline. Dragons runes started to faintly flash on the back of her palms and at the center of her forehead.