New Layer

At another manor deep within Cloudsea Holy Land. Inside, a Supreme Elder was currently with his own direct disciple. 

Elder Gao calmly stood in front of a kneeling Lin Zui. A placid expression crossed Elder Gao's face. His tone was calm, despite saying, "This time around, your mission will be a critical one. It's not life-threatening or anything too dangerous. But you absolutely need to closely observe Lee and Xun. Note their full strength and weakness. Take every critical note that you can." 

"Master." Lin Zui slowly looked up. A trace of worry glinted in his eyes. "Are-are we actually going to plot behind those two?"

His only thoughts towards the duo were of reverence and slight fear. Those two just seem to have absolutely zero weakness. He didn't even want to imagine how grossly powerful they would be in later realms. 

Plotting against such immense talent only seemed like a road to no end.