The Ice Phoenix


Cain, Amber, Lin Zui, Lan Rui, and Yulong nearly fell straight to their asses. Even tens of thousands of miles away, even the weakest strand of energy shockwaves tremendously pressured them! 

Because of Cain's Chaotic Concealment, everyone didn't have fear surging their Inner World to gain a stable footing. 

At the same time, Cain poured out more Chaos energy, reinforcing the faint aura around them to act as an impenetrable fortress. 

Only when Cain pumped out more Chaos energy did everyone else feel a great deal of pressure lift off their bodies. 

Cain's Chaos Soul Sense surveyed the situation. The World Source Laws were on the verge of completely collapsing. Two tremendous Dao atmospheres made it impossible for lesser beings to utilize any form of energy. Anyone in this atmosphere will become completely suppressed.