Ice Laws

From Amber's continually sinking her fangs into Cain's neck, her body naturally adapted to the remnants specks of Chaos energy. Her absorption increased to a point where tiny specks of Chaos energy had permanently fused into her bloodstream. 

These specks of Chaos energy acted accordingly. Green lights soared at light speed across Amber's internal body. Every speck of Chaos energy shrouded the flowing Ice Phoenix's blood essence and rapidly purified the blood essence's destructive force. 

A considerable portion of the cold sensation dissipated from Amber's body. Her mind could now be focused better. 

Soul energy had grasped hold of the purified Ice Phoenix's blood essence and carefully fused it into every part of her body. From her internal body to her Inner World, Ice Phoenix's blood essence continually poured in. 

Not only was her foundation enhancing, but even her Spiritual Sea stimulated.