Gathering Of Divine Decree Lords

Elder Xi swept her gaze through every disciple here. It's still a wonder to her that one boy can actually pull these kinds of different talents and statuses together.

Furthermore, even digging out great potential in each and every one of them.

A slight smile curled Elder Xi's lips. She said, "Remember, though you can rely on each other, inside the Starry Earth Realm is fraught with great danger. One wrong move can cost you your life. Furthermore, there are also our competitors to look out for. All of you must treat this with the utmost caution." 

"Understood." Everyone in Cain's group solemnly nodded. 

Waving her hand, a black light shot out from Elder Xi's hand. The black light instantly covered Cain's group and herself. 

A portion of the black light split off, striking a random part of space. Loud cracks sounded out. The Void Space was completely torn open!