Strange Town

Cain and Lan Rui's gazes quickly studied the town. It wasn't anything too fancy. At the very least, for their standards, the town seemed a bit shabby. 

Of course, there were countless Law rune symbols littered across the town. Every one of these Law runes permeated a potent atmosphere of Heaven and Earth's Divine Energy and Source Laws. Cultivating here was at least better than in the outside world. 

Typically, in towns of cultivators, the place would be bustling with numerous kinds of life. All would be trying their best to live and cultivate. 

But this town was a bit strange. The cultivators here seemed particularly reserved. More than what the average divine cultivator should be like. 

Lan Rui furrowed her brows. She transmitted, 'Everyone is in a group here. There's not one secluded person here. And their's rare to see even someone slightly happy.'