Life Law Tree

The power of Chaos energy overloaded within a single fist. Overwhelming and completely matchless. All other Divine Laws instantly became inferior! 

Cain punched his Chaos fist forward with a monstrous ferocity to crack apart numerous planets! 


Several flashes of Chaos light instantly tore across space. The power within was terrifyingly immense. But, none shall detect it as its principles were far too complex for mere Holy King's Spiritual Sea's perception abilities. 

"Hmmm...this trap is a little unique from the rest. Just how can we get through?" 

The five Holy King masters were all calmly discussing among themselves. Their Divine Senses stayed spread around the region. Rays of their holy faintly emitted. 

Anyone of them was ready to jump at the slightest sign of danger. 

Alas, it was all too late for them. 

"Huh-" The five Holy King masters paused. The slightest touch of danger stirred their souls.