A Majestic Figure?

Cain spread his Chaos soul sense to listen in on their conversation. 

The brown robe cultivator at the front of his group spoke in a gentle, soothing tone. "Please, you three must understand. Joining together with the majestic Wizard Kun is an opportunity of an absolute lifetime. Don't you all wish to achieve half-step Holy King? Or possibly become a full-fledge Holy King? Majestic Wizard Kun has all the answers for you." 

There was a particular sensation of power in this cultivator's voice. A unique energy that can slither right past cultivators' innate defenses and strike their souls. 

This would be a voice irresistible to listen to. Weak divine cultivators would simply go into a straight trance. 

But the three black sword cultivators tightly knit their brows. 

The man's powerful voice drilled into their bodies. But that only spurred the power of their Divine Sword Laws.