Sudden Attack

Ye He, the strongest of the group, had managed to survive. 

But at what cost? 

His broken and bloodied body smashed to the ground with a sickening thumb. With his flesh flayed and limbs torn off, Ye He was just a horrible mess to look upon. 

A powerful Holy King master was pushed to such a state. A glorious expert like him suffered mentally more than physically. 

His soul was on the verge of collapsing in despair. He truly will die without even knowing how. It was an unprecedented shame for any Holy King master to experience such a miserable defeat, worse than that of a beaten dog.

Cain and Kali causally smiled. Neither of them cares about this Holy King master who dares to presumptuously rob and killed. 

Clenching his palm, Cain unleashed a suction force that pulled out Ye He's spatial rings.