The Galaxy Wide Event

The days quickly passed. 

Cain, without knowing it, fell into a daily routine. He was still worried about getting back to Cloudsea Holy Land. But his time cultivating with Zexi alleviated a great amount of tension. 

They practically spent every waking moment together. Both in the day and at night. None really questioned them considering Cain's immense status. 

These serene days of cultivating didn't directly improve Cain's cultivation base. However, his understanding of divine soul laws was greatly enhanced. Nearly reaching the standards of Divine Ruler! 

He was only a faint line away from Supreme Divine Soul law principles.

On this day, Cain was peacefully cultivating with Zexi as per usual within his courtyard. They were enjoying themselves without a care in the world. Their divine lightning beautifully intertwines with each other. 

Neither of them believed anything special would happen. But everything changed within a second.