Heavenly Martial Gathering

"Though the objective remains on him, we can't ignore the others. Just how many great worlds will come to the gathering?" Soaring Sword suddenly asked. 

"All the heavy hitters. Besides my own great world, crimson thunder, divine faith, monster emperor, and the dark dragons will all come. Everything shaping up to be quite an interesting event." Nether King stated.

Many geniuses will come, but only a few will be truly successful. Even the majestic Heavenly Venerates couldn't properly predict how this Martial Heavenly Gathering will go down. 

Though, they all were determined to prepare the damndest for all possibilities. 


The days went by quickly for the entire God Galaxy. To low realms, middle realms, high realms, Central Starfield and Great Worlds, all were making rapid preparations for the Martial Heavenly Gathering. 

The event was on such short notice that many had to scramble for their best forces of the younger generation.