Far Away Intentions

Cain did agree with her in his mind. But he still shook his head. "Without proof of that battle, who's going to believe me? Lord Hai's background would be too much even if I was a great genius in the Divine Faith great world. Plus, do you really want to trust these Venerates who have the tendency to keep secrets from those who are weak?" 

Kali lightly sighed. "You're right...so, how should we go from here? I hate to be passive. And I hate to rely solely on seniors. If trouble's coming, I want to face it at forefront and center!" 

"I couldn't agree more." Cain lightly sighed. 

He knows many would think it's a better idea to not shoulder burdens all on their own. Or simply do what they can to their best ability.

But Cain was an overachiever. He knows has the talent and power to change what he wants. He has the determination to wholeheartedly study the universe, pursuing the grand Great Dao to levels never before seen.