First Meeting

The sibling duo recalled their powers, landed on the ground, and Cain said, "Let them in." 

The chamber's door slowly opens. What was revealed was a young divine maiden. 

She actually didn't continually exude any dazzling divine light or great momentum. Her presence was naturally supreme. Her divine law principles always having the ability to suppress those inferior to her. 

But this young divine maiden seems explicitly humble when coming to this chamber. Like she was trying to make it overtly clear that she comes in peace. 

Cain and Kali calmly regarded her. They were always the ones to focus on a person's presence and aura rather than their looks. They could at least tell this maiden was some sort of unfathomable disciple here. 

Cain indifferently said, "Hello. You evidently already know who we are. So, just who are you?"