
"Excellent!" Cain was not disappointed by his previous judgment of Luo Na. "How long will this take? I know all of this will be a bit tight to do, but it needs to be before the martial event starts." 

"Do not fret. This will not even take days. I do not mean to sound so brash, but Hai and that Holy King will not be able to resist my Faith principles. You will have results within hours." 

Cain silently smiled in satisfaction. 

Nothing can really be simple in their world. In order to not get swallowed and chewed up, Cain and Luo Na know they'll have to use their extreme abilities in every way possible. 


Several hours passed quickly. At a very secluded mountain range miles away from the Marital Gathering Coliseum. 

A dazzling white divine light flashed through space. Out stepping with a world-crushing momentum was a breathtaking extreme genius.