Everything felt right to him. To be the supreme genius on top of the universe. His display was so dominating that even the other martial stages took the time to gaze upon his battle.
Internally, Lord Qian was also sneering. His eyes wanted to search for two people that were still making waves throughout the God Galaxy.
'Hmph. I really wonder just how powerful the God Tribulation geniuses are? Maybe it's a bit of hot air from those old ancestors.'
Lord Qian's arrogance and pride were that high to the point where believed he could match the famous Divine Mortals.
Everything seemed to be in a high state of excitement. Many were on the edge of their seats to see what other talent these extreme geniuses have.
However, at the highest state of excitement, without any warning, coming as a complete shock to the general audience, a ripple of Dao power pulsated throughout the entire martial arena!