Final Moves

The state of this battle was rapidly reaching its peak. All were watching with bated breath if Luo Na could seal the deal. 

But it was this time that a frenzied glint exploded from Grandmaster Bao's eyes. 

"I will tear you apart!" All of his killing intent was completely ignited. 

Being so pitifully humiliated by the weak God Galaxy was utterly unthinkable for him.

The complete limit of his bloodline power erupted with a monstrous fury to shred apart the heavens! 



Pillars of white solar flames boomed from beneath Grandmaster Bao. These pillars of white solar flames converged, condensing into the true divine phantom of the white tiger.


All of his bloodline's Great Dao principles surged to their utmost limit. 

Ear-shattering rings could be heard from the true divine phantom. These rings heavily disturb the minds of Holy Kings and weaker cultivators.