Pierced Through

In the very moment King Jue was injured, her Dao runes suddenly glisten all on their own. 

Sealed space magically lost all effect on King Jue. Her Dao runes were briefly fused into space. 

Before Cain's eyes, King Jue had vanished. She relied on the powerful effect of her bloodline Dao runes to fuse into space, teleporting over fifty meters away from Cain. 

The escape was instantaneous, almost similar to Cain's Chaotic Teleportation. 

Although, unlike Chaotic Teleportation, King Jue's face was increasingly pale when appearing again.


Obviously, that move used a tremendous sum of her divine law essence. 

If another genius performed instantaneous attacks like Cain, they would need to take a brief moment to stimulate their souls again. Thus allowing King Jue some manner of rest.

But Cain coldly smiled, his essence energy always a continuous flow without any end.