Wanting Guidance

"You..." Lord Qulong slowly shook her head. "Always with the headfirst approach, huh? But at least we are at a better advantage than most of the Young Kings. It's obvious that Everlasting Faith Moon had relations with the Young God Prince before this. But the other Young Kings...I fear their arrogance may have really hurt them this time."

"It is a bit of a shame. But hopefully, there can be changes down in the future." Lord Mao calmly said. 

Lord Hao stayed silent at this. She knows that her Great World Young King has too much of an unruly attitude to so easily change in a short amount of time. 

After a few minutes of walking and chatting, the Prime Lords had finally reached a chamber being protected by a guardian Heavenly Venerate. 

This Heavenly Venerate wore divine faith imperial robes, indicating her status belongs to that great world.